Remediation Examples

We went over and analyzed a few examples of mediated artifacts in class to try out Bolter & Grusin’s theories of Remediation– here is what we came up with…

Kelly, Shea, Charles, Jodeci – Star Wars is our example of remediation.  It began as a screenplay and then became a movie and then, at some point, books.  The purposes of those media remained constant – to tell a story.  But, once Star Wars crossed over into the video game realm, the franchise became refashioned and slightly repurposed.  The new function wasn’t necessarily to tell a story but to have people interact with and become a part of it.  Star Wars was then refashioned and repurposed again when Steven Colbert was filmed with a light saber against a green screen and asked fans to “fill-in-the-blank” with what they thought he should be doing.  The new purpose thus became Colbert advertising his show.  Over time, Star Wars has gone through multiple media in order to fulfill multiple purposes.

Steven Colbert –

Kala’s Remix:

The Wilderness Downtown Remediation

Alan’s Remix:

(By ap10k)

Our example is The Wilderness Downtown, an interactive sort of music video website created by Arcade Fire for the song “We Used to Wait”. The website and it’s contents take the song, an interactive film, and the google maps technology to create a unique experience for each user. The user is prompted to enter the address of the house they grew up in and using this information and the google maps technology centers the video around this location. We considered this a prime example of remediation because this website refashions older technology (the music video, the google map street view technology) and presenting it in a new fashion that still maintains the original properties- hypermediacy.

A link to the site:

Kala Zanis, Tyler Bourke, Ashley Phelps

(by marisarae21)

Our example of remediation – The Social Network is a movie based on a book written by Ben Mezrich entitled The Accidental Billionaires. This book is based on the true story of Mark Zuckerburg. Mezrich is known for his nonfiction writing. This is an example of refashinoning and repurposeing because it changes mediums and it goes from being an informative and expose type book to an entertaining movie.

Marisa Bueschel and Angelina Colao

(by Rebecca Dugger)

A woman in an apartment complex was attacked when a man climbed in to her bedroom window. The news report of a woman who was attacked in her apartment was turned into a song. A concerned friend was interviewed and his interview was turned into a song about the attack with the same words in a different beat and tone. This song later turned into other songs and now many talk show hosts like Daniel Tosh and George Lopez have interviewed him. Antoine Dodson is now the spokesperson for a registered sex offenders website. This got as far as becoming an App where people can play quotes out loud or even the while song.

(by taschima)

Example of Remediation- Harry Potter first was a book about a boy who discovers that he is part of this hidden magical world. After the books came the movies, then came the video games. This is an example of remediation because in every single one of these mediums the purpose stays the same while taking a different form, the purpose is to tell the story.

17 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by alanh72 on March 16, 2011 at 9:26 am

    We chose the video game Infamous as our example of remediation. The game takes properties of comic books and applies them to its in-game cutscenes. Instead of cinematic, fully animated cutscenes to progress the narrative, Infamous uses stylized animation, comic book panels, and text-driven scenes to drive its narrative in between gameplay.

    Alan, Chris, Pamella, Allena


    • Posted by nelsona25 on March 16, 2011 at 9:53 am

      Infamous is a video game that was created by Sucker Punk Productions as a stealth-based game and the player is supposed to become engaged through the main character Cole McGrath. This is video game includes cut scenes that are inspired by comic books and they use cut scenes all in between the levels of the game. The cut scenes help to create a narrative that enhance the game by explaining the main character story and role within the game. This game is set within a modern city that was rocked by a major explosion and it infuses the themes from Grand Theft Auto and Assassin’s Creed.


  2. “He’s climbing in your windows…They rapin everybody out here”. This phrase has become popular over just a couple of months. Antoine Dodson is responsible for this saying. He was just a man who gave an interview to a local news station. The story was about his sister who almost got raped in her own bedroom by a stranger climbing in her window. Antoine gave the interview with full seriousness on the matter but how others may see it as a funny interview. Of course this interview was posted on youtube. But it went further. The bed intruder song then came alive. Teenage boys used the funny interview to make it into a remix, a music video. This got more views then the actual interview. And from there Antoine Dodson’s became more popular. Apps are made with his quotes, he has been invited to speak on talk shows, and he has been used for comedy bits.


    • Posted by Emily Schneider-Green on March 16, 2011 at 9:29 am

      The Bed intruder song is one of many recent youtube videos that have morphed into a full-fledged pop-culture phenomenon. What began as simply a segment on the local news, interviewing a man whose sister was attacked in their apartment by a rapist, was taken and remixed and turned into a song. Practically overnight it became wildly popular, and has over 70 million views on youtube currently. With some fairly simple technology the creators of the video were able to take the man, Antoine Dodson’s, words and mix them into a catchy song. The song, called “The Bed Intruder Song” is now even for sale on itunes, and Dodson has been interviewed on popular shows such as the Today Show and the George Lopez show, and is currently a millionaire from the song. This is certainly not the only example of a remix of something become a pop culture phenomenon on youtube. One example would be the 90’s version of this, in the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercial, being remixed and turned into a song similarly to the bed intruder song. There are countless other example of this, it’s not a new trend, this is simply the latest popular one. With youtube being so user-friendly and accessible for so many people, it’s easy nowadays to create mash-ups of songs, commercials and in this case news clips, to create something new and entertaining. Thanks to this new technology, remixes are becoming something that almost anyone can crank out.


    • Posted by Rebecca Dugger on March 16, 2011 at 9:38 am

      The Bed Intruder Song has created multiple remix and this one is done by fruit. Antonie Dodson from a small local news interview to multiple remixes. There are remixes from children singing the song to people creating dances to go along with the song. I have included one of my favorite remixes:

      Remixes are great because as long as there are creative people they will still be made.


  3. Extra Example of Remediation? – Allena + Chris (3/14/11)

    The sinking of the Titanic in 1912 was a historical event that took place over the Atlantic ocean.
    Prior to the filming of the movie, research was done—live interviews with survivors, expeditions to the wreckage, replica’s of various parts of the ship were created—essentially “remediating” the story of the Titanic.
    The purpose or repurpose* of the film remediation was more than just retelling the story, but also to make an emotional impact on audiences via the fictional story implanted in the historical context.


  4. Remix of Remediation paragraph

    There once was a screenplay called Star Wars
    Six movies were made over time’s course
    Those turned into books
    And weird costume looks
    To video games for one more source

    Kelly Burton


  5. Tyler’s Remix


  6. Posted by Marisa Bueschel on March 16, 2011 at 9:36 am

    *Chelsea Young has been added to our group.

    Chelsea – A literal remix of the text. The Social Network is a new movie based on the true story of Mark Zuckerburg which was told in the book “The Accidental Billionaires” by Ben Mezrich, and is an example of remediation, refashioning, and repurposing. It transforms the work from the written word to an on-screen performance.

    Angelina – I would include an interview with Mark Zucherburg about his thoughts/ response to the movie The Social Network.

    Marisa – A literal remix of the text. A reorgranization of the subject matter. Who is Mark Zucherburg? What is FB? What is the Accidental Billionaires? Who is Ben Mezrich? What is The Social Network?


  7. This is a reply and a remix of the first group’s remediation, which belongs to Jodeci, Shea, Kelly, and myself, Charles.

    Our example of remediation would be Star Wars. It is seen in many media, with the constant purpose of telling a story, and they have portrayed that story, in chronological order, first through a screenplay, then as a film series, and then went into books at some point. The franchise became slightly repurposed and refashioned, however, once it had crossed over into video games. The new function was to have people interact and become a part of the story it has to tell rather than just watch/read it. Steven Colbert then refashioned Star Wars when he gave it a new purposely using it to advertise his show via filming himself against a green screen and asking fans to “fill-in-the-blank” with what they thought he should be doing while he wielded a lightsaber. Star wars has fulfilled multiple purposes by going through multiple media over time.


  8. Antoine Dodson has become one of the many accidental celebrities. After being interviewed by a local news station about an attempted rape on his sister, his comments were taken by guys, remixed, and placed on youtube. The guy has become a sensation and been on numerous tv shows from the Monique show, the George Lopez show, the HipHop Awards, and Tosh Point O. He has t-shirts, apps, and he even actually performs the actual original remix. The guys who created the video said that he is the most talented unintenional singer they have ever seen.


  9. Dear students,

    While I throughly enjoy your examples of remediation I found one that will kick you all to the curb. Harry Potter, as you all know, is a world wide phenomena. The story of thiswizard 11 year old wizard boy started out as a book at first but later on received so much attention that it became a movie and after that all hell broke loose. We saw Harry Potter everywhere from video games to costumes. People even play Quidditch in real life! And in all these mediums the central idea still holds true; it all revolves about an 11 year old boy who discovers a magical hidden world full of wonder.

    So please do yourself a favor and pick up the book, the movie, or anything else related to HP and familiarize yourself with the wonderful world of Harry Potter!



  10. Posted by Lurvin Fernandez on March 16, 2011 at 9:40 am

    Harry Potter -> Boy Wizard -> Book -> Movies -> Video games
    Star Wars -> Movies -> Video games -> TV shows
    Spider-Man -> Comic book -> Movies -> Broadway Show


  11. My fellow muggles, Harry Potter is a book series about a boy who discovers that he is part of a hidden magical world. The books were nearly perfect. But, as you know, the books weren’t enough for the starving consumers. Hollywood got a hold of the series and made movie and video game adaptations. This is an example of remediation because in every single form of media involving the Harry Potter world, there are similarities between them, but none of them are exactly the same. While the book elaborates on story, the game elaborates on visuals and non-cannon mini-games and the movies consider character choice, script and graphics as paramount.

    With that said, I urge you, my Harry Potter fans, to take charge of your life and dive head first into all of the different media of the world of Harry Potter. It’s the only way for all of us to become successful and live a life free of the apathy that embodies those without Harry Potter in their lives. Thank you for your time.


  12. Posted by jorica10 on March 16, 2011 at 9:49 am

    The format is supposed to be staggered.

    Star Wars
    ——–>Video Games
    ——–>Steven Colbert


  13. You guys are confusing transmedia with remediation. Remediation would be taking a laptops features and then putting them into your smartphone with some reform.


    • Posted by MattD on November 12, 2012 at 10:31 am

      Hi Chris, thanks for stopping by– the course that ran this blog ended in the spring of 2011, so you’re unlikely to get any students stopping by for a casual dialogue. That said, and in their defense, I’m not sure your critique is fair. Sure, some of the students seem to have a looser version of remediation than others (some much closer to remix than remediation), but transmedia is much more specific, and involves telling one story, the full extent of which can only be experienced across platforms (a la Blair Witch Project).


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