Archive for March, 2011

Putting It All Together- Remix Notes (Remediated)

Titanic Remediation and Remix

Repurposing of the Titanic

Infamous Remediation Example- Remixed

The video game “Infamous” remediates the use of comic book panels and integrates it into a digital narrative. Animation and text driven scenes enhance the program and remix it into a new form.

Remediation example

Remediation Examples

We went over and analyzed a few examples of mediated artifacts in class to try out Bolter & Grusin’s theories of Remediation– here is what we came up with…

Kelly, Shea, Charles, Jodeci – Star Wars is our example of remediation.  It began as a screenplay and then became a movie and then, at some point, books.  The purposes of those media remained constant – to tell a story.  But, once Star Wars crossed over into the video game realm, the franchise became refashioned and slightly repurposed.  The new function wasn’t necessarily to tell a story but to have people interact with and become a part of it.  Star Wars was then refashioned and repurposed again when Steven Colbert was filmed with a light saber against a green screen and asked fans to “fill-in-the-blank” with what they thought he should be doing.  The new purpose thus became Colbert advertising his show.  Over time, Star Wars has gone through multiple media in order to fulfill multiple purposes.

Steven Colbert –

Kala’s Remix:

The Wilderness Downtown Remediation

Alan’s Remix:

(By ap10k)

Our example is The Wilderness Downtown, an interactive sort of music video website created by Arcade Fire for the song “We Used to Wait”. The website and it’s contents take the song, an interactive film, and the google maps technology to create a unique experience for each user. The user is prompted to enter the address of the house they grew up in and using this information and the google maps technology centers the video around this location. We considered this a prime example of remediation because this website refashions older technology (the music video, the google map street view technology) and presenting it in a new fashion that still maintains the original properties- hypermediacy.

A link to the site:

Kala Zanis, Tyler Bourke, Ashley Phelps

(by marisarae21)

Our example of remediation – The Social Network is a movie based on a book written by Ben Mezrich entitled The Accidental Billionaires. This book is based on the true story of Mark Zuckerburg. Mezrich is known for his nonfiction writing. This is an example of refashinoning and repurposeing because it changes mediums and it goes from being an informative and expose type book to an entertaining movie.

Marisa Bueschel and Angelina Colao

(by Rebecca Dugger)

A woman in an apartment complex was attacked when a man climbed in to her bedroom window. The news report of a woman who was attacked in her apartment was turned into a song. A concerned friend was interviewed and his interview was turned into a song about the attack with the same words in a different beat and tone. This song later turned into other songs and now many talk show hosts like Daniel Tosh and George Lopez have interviewed him. Antoine Dodson is now the spokesperson for a registered sex offenders website. This got as far as becoming an App where people can play quotes out loud or even the while song.

(by taschima)

Example of Remediation- Harry Potter first was a book about a boy who discovers that he is part of this hidden magical world. After the books came the movies, then came the video games. This is an example of remediation because in every single one of these mediums the purpose stays the same while taking a different form, the purpose is to tell the story.